Friday, September 19, 2014

College's issues with sexual harassment finally being addressed by President

September 19, 2014 CNN published an article about President Obama launching a campaign to combat sexual assaults on college campuses. According to the article one in five women are sexually assaulted on campus, many of which go unreported. With that being said its hard to believe something with such grim statistics hasn’t been addressed by the government already. In April the White house ordered a task force to raise awareness and educate students about sexual assault and its prevention. The campaign is called “It’s on Us” and it will be addressing this problem across the country. The campaign’s main concerns are to identify the problem, engaging men in preventive measures and effectively respond to assaults when they are reported. Lastly they wish to “increase transparency in the federal government's effort to enforce laws about prosecuting sexual assault cases." This campaign plans to include celebrities and several athletes for public service announcements. As a feminist I am overjoyed to see this being addressed and I hope many other people will support this campaign as well. This should be important to students because this article directly identifies an issue that happens to our exact demographic.