Friday, October 3, 2014

CDC Director on Isolation of West Africa

I’m sure with the first diagnosed case of Ebola in the United States, especially being so close to home, we have all been thinking about this terrible disease. I have been looking for articles of what I need to know about the disease as well as plans on containment. However Newsweek provided me with an article not just with this information but also a counter argument as well from the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Tom Frieden. In this article he is quoted from a new debriefing to the American public.
            Dr. Tom Frieden states a different solution to what many feel is necessary; isolation and containment. He claims it is in the United States best interest “not to seal off those countries but to provide services to contain the disease there.” In regards to Western Africa sealing off the country will make it difficult to treat the disease therefore making it possible for Ebola to run rampant and spread. He is confident that the United States can contain its Ebola outbreak through certain precautions.
As of right now the family of Thomas Duncan, he was the first to be diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, has been ordered to stay at home by the state of Texas. They also have law enforcement stationed outside their apartment. They are monitored and have groceries delivered to them while Duncan is hospitalized. Dr. Frieden claims that there are “systems in place” to prevent out break in the United States. The article unfortunately does not let us know about these.
            I happen to agree with Dr. Frieden, I think he is a good candidate to help make these decisions due to his title as well as his experience in the field. I also think that with containment alone the problem will only worsen. I personally think that we do not comprehend of how huge Africa is; we have to realize that this is not just affecting a few cities there, but several countries! Not to mention that this disease kills in a very painful and disturbing manner. I agree that with containment and treatment of the disease a worldwide epidemic can be avoided. Leaving another country sealed off to fester and fend for themselves seems to be inhumane. Dr. Frieden also says that containment of the West African Countries would be considered "quick, simple—and wrong."

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